Distribution Operations Is Only the Beginning

Our vision is simple. To bridge the gap between IoT data and smarter business processes, no matter the industry. Trynzic is the premier IoT platform for event-driven work. 

We Are Trynzic

A Path Forward for Utility Companies

AMI and IoT have created a massive opportunity for utilities - the end of status quo business models and a transformation into a Smart Utility. By harnessing the data created by advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), we can change service delivery and grid management into something more intelligent, automated and predictive.

Capitalizing on this opportunity requires serious computing power, well-designed software, and expertise. But what if it didn’t have to involve a heavy IT lift requiring consultants, developers and incredible expense?

Trynzic delivers the shortcut to smarter, more efficient service delivery through our cloud-native Trynzic for Utilities platform, ushering in the era of the Smart Utility.

The IoT Platform for Event-Driven Work

IoT surpasses the capabilities of client-server technologies. Enriching business processes in real-time with high-volume, streaming data requires the elasticity of serverless PaaS technologies.

Trynzic built Trynzic for Utilities by leveraging the Microsoft Azure suite of PaaS compute and storage services. Today we bring this advanced technical power to use cases within distribution utilities. From there, who knows what we’ll tackle next.

Work With Us

We may be at the beginning of our journey, but our shared vision of event-driven work has brought together a team of world-class engineers and software architects with impressive technical skills, inherent curiosity, and a passion to learn and solve problems.

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